
Jacó Coelho Advogados team participates in the first meeting in the metaverse

An auditorium was set up in the metaverse for a meeting of the Jacó Coelho team/Photo: Disclosure


Maria Costa e Silva


All staff at  Jacó Coelho Advogados  took part, this Tuesday (28), in the first meeting promoted by the firm at Metaverso. The novelty places the Goiás office as one of the pioneers in the creation of a banking version on the platform, that is, in a virtual environment that simulates reality.


Partner and Administrative-Financial and Innovation Director, Matheus Coelho, explains that, in addition to bank employees, representatives of Stars, a startup accelerator that participated in the development of the Jacq Coelho metaverse project, which is headquartered in Goiânia and has branches in five other states.


Matheus explains that the firm chose to adopt the metaverse due to its commitment to always adopt technologies that allow innovation and improvements to its clients. “And this meeting proved to be an opportunity for us to test the viability of this new tool and its applicability to our customers' excellent service”, he explains.


As it is an emerging technology, Matheus claims that the office is still studying the precise way to apply it. What is known is that the metaverse, according to him, could initially be used for customer service.


“That's because technology allows an office to be set up in any metaverse, making this space another service channel. A client from anywhere in the world can enter this virtual office, for example, and be assisted by our team as if they were both in the same space”, he explains. And that, according to him, can further strengthen the relationship between the client and his legal representative.


Metaverse as educational potential


Matheus also states that the metaverse has the potential to be used as a channel aimed at education. “With it, we are able to simulate hearings, reconstruct complex cases and even involve accidents”, he explains.


Despite all the potential, Matheus admits that the tool still needs to be consolidated because it still consumes a lot of internet bandwidth, requires equipment with a very powerful video card and with special features to be used to its fullest.


Furthermore, Matheus admits that because it is very new, the new reality still raises debates about data protection, intellectual property and legal issues. “The legislation has not yet kept pace with these advances. And we here at Jacó Coelho will monitor the progress of the courts and legislation on the subject before expanding this new reality to all our routines”, he stresses.

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