
Russian companies were told about the possibilities of metauniverses


On the podcast   “Metauniverses are a new reality that has changed the market”   Maxim Kozlov, Head of Sber AR/VR Lab, Alexey Pomykanov, CEO of Maff Meta Verse, Andrey Komissarov, Head of Reputation Management Department of the Group of Companies FGC Tatyana Mayorova and Lookport Development Director Tatyana Zhuravskaya.


Who is the metaverse for?

The developers are already technically ready to fill the metaverse with various mechanics, the only question is their relevance, Maxim Kozlov noted. In his opinion, the request of the audience will not differ much from its requests in real life. Online, you can do everything that we used to do offline - watch movies, go to concerts, exhibitions, shops, chat, play.

“Metaverse is not something cosmic and distant, it is already working. If you are wondering what it is and how to deal with it, go to your children and find out. They, judging by the examples of Minecraft, Roblox and Rec Room, are still the main audience of the metaverses, ”the expert noted.


What for?

The main task is to give users such an interaction experience that is not available offline or on other platforms, said Alexey Pomykanov. As an example, he cited the case of a wedding in the metaverse. The newlyweds really wanted to have a celebration on the island, but they did not manage to fly there. Then, especially for them, an island was built in the metaverse. About 500 people “came” to the wedding and another 1000 watched the broadcast.

“The wedding went on for about 2 hours and everyone knows how difficult it is to keep an audience during that time. There were different mechanics for communicating with guests, there was even a digital priest who issued certificates,” the expert said.


What is there to do?

Tatyana Zhuravskaya shared her experience of holding virtual concerts. According to her, such events bring even those who have never heard of such technologies to the metaverse, because many follow the opinion leaders.

“An artist concert is a guaranteed way to bring an audience into the metaverse. An organically large audience now exists only in the game-based metaverses, ”she noted.

Metavers can also help in online education, Andrey Komissarov believes. For example, there is a super-popular lecturer whom everyone wants to listen to, but due to lack of time, this cannot be done in reality. “The output is its digital twin, which does not just dictate a lecture, but answers any question to every viewer. It is also extremely important here to design such an environment in which each of the participants will have the experience of interaction,” the expert shared his idea.

He added that the main thing in the metaverse is the benefit for a person, because without a VR headset it can exist, but not without a flow of people.

Interest in the metaverse is an investment in the future, said Tatyana Mayorova. According to her, there is interest in the metaverses at the government level. For example, South Korea recently announced a desire to invest about $187 million to develop its own virtual space as a platform to empower urban industrial growth, education, and media. Such technologies completely rethink the patterns of human behavior in the future, she concluded.



Media Mix is a SberMarketing podcast where industry experts try to understand marketing, business, and advertising technologies that are changing with the world. Issues are released every two weeks, you can listen to them on the service   "Sound" , and look - on - nbsp; Rutube . Sekret Firmy (part of the Rambler&Co media holding) is the media partner of the Media Mix podcast.

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